Assessment & Evaluation
KWB provides a comprehensive range of evaluation services designed to help public and non-profit organizations assess community needs and evaluate their programs and initiatives.
Needs Assessment:
Comprehensive assessment to develop an in-depth understanding of specific community issues. Also conduct comprehensive community health needs assessments that address health outcomes and factors influencing health.
Community Initiative Evaluation:
Assess initiatives targeting root causes to review collective efforts and monitor their cumulative impact on intermediate and long-term goals.
Focus Group Facilitation:
Design and facilitate focus groups to gather valuable insights and feedback from key demographics.
Service and Systems Review:
Analyze client experiences to identify opportunities for enhancing services and systems.
Program Evaluation:
Monitor and evaluate program processes, quality, and impact, emphasizing continuous quality improvement.
Coalition Infrastructure and Functioning Evaluation:
Evaluate key aspects of coalition effectiveness, including infrastructure, processes, and functioning, to provide targeted recommendations for improvement and sustainability.